Sunday, June 17, 2012

A very painful day with good progress

Broc is in so much pain with moving around but it really is best for him so that his muscles don't get stiff. He also needs to move the congestion out of his lungs too.

His gas pain in his stomach is really causing him so much discomfort too and he has just cried himself to sleep begging me for a drink.There is nothing worse than seeing your child so unhappy and in pain and you can do NOTHING about it.

He is really trying so hard to get up by himself but his heart rates shoots up to 150-160's.He has had 2 achievements today gas and BM's. We are so happy.That means that his stomach is slowly waking up.

He also sat on my lap today and we watched a video on the computer together.It so warmed my heart when he was on my lap and put his arm around me and said "I love you mommy".

I cannot belive the Wicked Which from the West is back tonight. I was so mad at her last night for forcing him to be washed down from head to toe, then she decides that his bed needs to be changed so she rolls him back and forth like a log to change the bed and then she refuses to give him any morphine cause she said that he is a big boy and can push through the pain. She then decides that he should be getting enough meds through the epidural which is only numbing meds and NOT pain meds.She said that if he was still getting pain then his epidural was useless.


I was so mad. I refused to help her anymore and said that I was going to bed. So I complained about her to the nurse we had today and to the pain team and them boom she is BACK.

I seriously need some rescue remedy. Good thing I brought some with me.

Thank you again for our wonderful friends and family. Please pray that I practice lots of self control tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Ask to speak to the head/charge nurse and tell them you want a different nurse. There is no need to put up with someone you don't like!
