Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sorry for the delay.... out of PICU

I have been really tired the last couple of days only getting a couple hours of sleep at night. So last night I went to bed early instead of writing a post.

So many things have happened.Broc has not had anymore jerks or seizures. Thank goodness cause those were really scary. Slowly we are learning what pain meds Broc can and cannot handle.

Yesterday they took out his NG tube and his foly.He was so happy to have less wires attatched to him.He was allowed to start on ice chips and popsicles too.

He got up again yesterday and took 2 steps.It is very difficult for him as he is not wanting to put any weight on his right leg at all.Needless to say mommy back is breaking from picking up a dead weight that is not able to help himself.

This morning he got his epidural taken out too.He is done with IV pain meds and is only having oral pain meds which are keeping his pain under control really well as he is having a continuos dose round the clock.Their aim is to not let him have pain at all so that he can be more mobile. He is on tylenol every 4 hours and then is allowed to take a stronger pain med for breakthrough pain which they are giving him on a schedule too as he is not telling us in time when his pain gets too bad for him.

Guess What??? The Wicked Witch from the West appeared again last night but not to our room. I guess complaining about her to the Pain team really helped and they were horrified that someone would do that to him.

I requested no bath last night as his bandages came off too yesterday and he was really scared when he saw his incision sites and didn't want anyone to touch them.I wanted him to get used to them first before we go washing them.

He seems much better with them today.He is actually looking at them and saying himself how much better they look.They are still changing colours from the bruising and look like top stitching.

We moved out of the PICU this afternoon and love being on the 12th floor.We have a room in the corner and its really quiet. We also have our own bathroom in our room too. He will be having an arteriogram tomorrow to make sure that everything has grown and grafted well since the surgery. He will be having general anesthesia for that too. Just when he is starting to eat soft foods he has to be NPO again tonight and tom morning. We are not sure what time it will be but as soon as I know I will post the time.

It should be a relatively simple proccedure but as we know anytime Broc has general anesthesia his heart comes into play.

Thank you to all the friends from the various Michigan Congs. We really apprecaite the love and support you have shown us. We are getting to meet so many new people.

Don't you just love the bed head and goofy smile.


  1. Hello Broc,
    Honey we hope you feel better real soon! Eat lots of popsicles and watch lots of cartoons! We hope you get to come home real soon! Hang in there little guy.

    I hope you are holding up ok, I will be praying for Jehovah to give you the strength and stamina to make it through. Please try to take care of yourself as well so you can make it through each day. Glad to hear its over, and hope he continues to show good progress. We love you both! Love Rob, Rachel, Tiffani, ALyssa, Logan

  2. Hi Kerrigan,

    I am glad Broc is doing much better and I'll continue praying for his continued progress and good recovery. You're a very strong mama so is Broc. May God keep you that way always.

    God bless you and your family. Heart hugs.

    Yayi1 from BBC
