Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our last day at the hospital

Last night was another great night. Broc slept the whole night although he only went to sleep at 11:00pm cause he slept yesterday afternoon from 1:30-5pm.

It was great as I had a visitor and we were able to talk while Broc slept but then I had to stay awake last night until he went to sleep.

This morning was full of the excitement of leaving today.Dr Eliason came in to show us all the pictures that were taken of his surgery and how extensive his surgery actually was.

We had another P.T. session. I am sorry if I am confusing everyone but he will actually be getting P.T. for his leg once we get home.He already does O.T.

His leg is worse this morning as he is rolling his ankle very badly,walking on his tip toe, turning his foot out and dragging his leg.

We concentrated on walking heel first and turning his leg in.

He walked a little further today than  he did yesterday.He got a little tired so we took a rest and then walked back to his room.

We also had a surprise visit from Dr Stanley.I was so happy to see him as we had only spoken to him on the phone.It was great to finally meet all the people that had helped to fix Brocs leg so that they can both grow equally and hopefully he wont have anymore pain.

Sorry this is a bit confusing as we did leave the hospital yesterday (Friday) around 2:30pm.I wrote this post yesterday before we left.

We are safe and sound at home.


  1. Hey guys! I just read all the posts since you went to Michigan as I've been gone for 3 weeks. It's so good to hear that his surgery went well and you had excellent support up there (I wished I could have been there). Welcome home!!!

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you are back home! Please give Broc and big hug from all the Curves girls! We will keep praying for a quick recovery!

    Cindy, Shawna, Nancy, Amy, Hayley and Kelsey
