Saturday, June 2, 2012

Broc's Pre-school Graduation

I am sure you are all anxious to see our Buddy's graduation pictures.Sorry it has taken me a while to get them loaded.Our Buddy is ill again and I think he made mommy sick too this time.

Not good timing at all considering he has surgery in less than 2 weeks and I need to be healthy to take care of him.

One or two pics maybe blury as I am learning how to use a new camera.

Here are the much anticipated pictures.

                                                           He was so proud of himself.

Sorry its a blur, but you get the picture.

                                              Mr Macias and Miss Dakota - Brocs teachers.

His favorite Uncle Scott

I have some video of him singing too but I have to change the format so it may take some time.

We were so happy that Daddy was able to make it,even though he was in work clothes.

Thank you too for Granma and Granpa and Uncle Scott for coming too.It really made Buddy's night.

We went out for Wings to celebrate afterwards.

Our Buddy is now a Kindergartener !!

Well Done Buddy.Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you.


  1. He's so cute :)

    I was really looking forward to the kindergarten graduation for Sterling but that hasnt caught on here yet apparently :p Maybe by the time Bryce goes they will be doing it!

  2. Congratulations Broc!

    Your friends,
    Jeremy, Jody, Ethan and Cy

  3. Thanks guys.He has overcome so many obstacles.

  4. This is a precious milestone!
