Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finally out of surgery and in the PICU.

Broc finally came out of surgery at 5:30pm. WOW so he was in surgery for 9 1/2 hours.Needless to say it was a long day for Mark and I.

We spoke with Dr Eliason this evening and Brocs blockage was a lot bigger than we all thought.It was 16cm in length.He was only able to connect the femoral artery as the iliac artery was severely damaged.

His hernia surgery went off without a hitch.They were able to make a small incisiosn and fix his repair with one stitch.They are very confident that it will stay repaired.

Mark and I were very surprised when we walked into the PICU as he has an NG tube. (Which is a tube down his nose into his stomach) so that he doesn't aspirate into his lungs.

We were also told that he will have the NG for about a week.He will be NPO(which means no food or liquid by mouth) for as long as he has the NG tube.

He also has a foly catheter in and will have that as long as the epidural is in. So it seems like he will have the foly,epidural and NG for at least a week.He also has 3 iv's.

It seems like our stay will be a little longer than we expected.Thankfully they have washers and dryers on the floor that we can use for free.

At the moment he is sleeping peacefully.The epidural is really keeping his pain level down.They are very attentive to his needs.

We are just going to take it one day at a time.

Thank you to everyone for all the love and support and prayers.

PS. I will update once a day but if there are any events to post about then I will post as they happen.

As you can tell he does not like his NG tube.


  1. {{hugs}} I'm sorry things didnt go as planned but its good that he is out and doing ok!

    How will not being able to do the iliac artery affect him? Will he need another surgery later or will just the femoral be enough?

  2. They said that the femoral is more important so he will just have one less artery in his right leg.No more surgeries unless this bypass fails but we are looking at a very good success rate for him.

  3. =( what a little trooper though!! Prayers coming your way!

    (Btw, I'm Chelle from BBC)

  4. Hi Chelle glad to see you here.Thanks for your support.
