Friday, June 15, 2012

Rough night in PICU but getting better.

His pain was really badly managed last night in the PICU. He was really aggitated and uncomfortable. Our new nurse today is wonderful.Really reading all his cues and mine too.It really helps when everyone is on the same page.

The ped surgeon rounded and said that his hernia repair site looks really good and the bandage can come off tom and leave steri strips on. He is really happy with the surgery and said that we dont need to consult with them again.

The vascular team rounded and was shocked to see that he had no NG tube in. He pulled it out early this morning in one of his moods.Apparently someone decided that it wasn't urgernt for it to go back in but when Vascular came for rounds it was called for ASAP.

They said that with his all his G.I. issues it could take quite a while to get his tummy to wake up again. There has been talk of giving him TPN if he is having the NG for longer than a couple days.

He is not coughing at all and his lungs sounds are very diminished at the bases so they are a little concerned about him taking deep breathes. He refuses/ cannot do so due to his pain being so bad.Hence the need for the Pain team to change his epidural meds and increase them.

This has been done and he is sleeping really well now. We have finally found his happy dosage for his pain level.

The PICU team came in and they were concerned about his lung issues. His blood pressure is also running a little high from his normal so that will be closely monitored. They are going to be re-assessing him at 24 hours post op as he is being very lethargic more than normal. We know that he has had anesthesia so that could be the reason but he also has episodes with fever and lethargy so they are concerned that he could be having an episode like that. If he is still like this after 24hours then a full workup will be done.

There is also a small concern about C-Diff again.He had a small diaper and it smelt really like C-Diff so the next one they will send off to be tested.

It has been a really rough morning but we think that things are slowly getting better. It is going to be a long week or 2 as they have told us.

We will probably be in the PICU into the weekend or at least until they can get his pain managed with IV meds.

Thank you again for all the love and support. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or e-mail me.

Here is a picture of all his incision sites.

The incision on his abdomen is the one that is bothering him the most as you need your tummy muscles for almost anything.Even changing his diaper is a challenge for him.


  1. Poor little guy :( A good nurse makes all the difference when it comes to pain management--I had to fight one of Iz's nurses to get her some tylenol when they were trying to wean her from the morphine onto just tylenol--the nurse kept rambling on about how she didnt have a fever and if you give tylenol too soon for a fever, it wont work on fevers later. Um, ok, but she is in PAIN. From OHS. The other heart mom we shared a room with got just as upset as I was and yelled at the nurse. It took so long to get tylenol that Iz ended up needing morphine shortly after :\ I did not see that nurse on the ward again. I am so glad you got a great nurse who is on top of things :)

    Iz was fighting the cough so hard we had to get that little percussion thingie and thump her back and sides over the lungs to help break the stuff up and get her to cough it out. She actually liked the thumping itself but the coughing part really hurt :( I hope they can get Broc feeling better and coughing {{hugs}}

  2. How are all of you doing today?

  3. Sorry rounds were later today so I just put up a new post.Thanks for checking in.
