Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day before surgery

We spent the day eating a late breakfast and walking around a few stores.We then drove through town and found a kids museum.We had a few hours to kill so we decided to give Broc his last few hours of freedom and fun.We are hoping to see the surgeons and anesthesia team tonight too. We have been told that we will be getting updates through out the day tom, so as soon as we get them we will share them with you all. Thank you everyone for your prayers,kind words and good thoughts and support for Broc and our family. Here are a few pics from the museum.

An Update:

So we have spoken with his team tonight.Daddy and I finally got dinner at 9:30pm. Buddy was still in  a lot of pain so we gave him a dose of Tylenol to help and calm him down.

He had vein mapping done tonight as well.The u/s tech mapped his saphenous veins on both legs so that they had options.He drew a line where the vein is and we decided it was a race track.So on the one leg we have a Nascar track and on the other leg we have a Derby track.He also drew  car on each track too.

Buddy is sleeping so soundly and we just heard that the IV team is on their way.He is such a strong little Buddy.

Here are pics of his race tracks.

We were told that we will be getting an update every hour so I will start a surgery post and then jsut update that post all day long.

Thank you again for all your continued love and support.


  1. Thinking of you guys and hoping the surgery goes well. What a strong little man you have there and so brave :)

  2. Aw, I love the little race tracks and car--what a great way to make things less scary for him :)
