Thursday, January 15, 2015

Post op Day 7

Brocs fever finally broke at 1:30am. He woke up completely soaked. We had to change everything. By 4:30 his fever was back to low grade again. At 2am an attending came to talk to me and I can only remember a few things she said to me cause I was so tired. I think I remembering falling asleep while she was talking to me. I was exhausted and wanted to nap yesterday but I was so scared to leave Brocs side. I did doze off in his bed with him a few times.

Broc is still only getting IV fluids. The team is very hesitant to start his feeds again cause they think that with the timing it possibly is the feeds causing the fevers. Honestly I do not agree nor does his immuno. Finally his cbc came back and I asked to see it. The differential is not back yet but the basic one is. And...........

A light bulb went off when I saw his WBC it is 2.4
Now anyone that knows Broc knows that when his WBC is below 3 he has a virus and given how sick he has been and how lethargic he is its a severe one.
I immediately asked the nurse for the team to test for Mono,EBV,Parvovirus B19 etc. the whole family of viruses.

Still not seen or heard from the team so not sure if they will even do it. But strangely enough I feel so relieved to see his WBC so low cause I know what's wrong or at least have an idea. His respiratory panel came back negative so we are not dealing with any if those type of viruses.

Hopefully once we have figured out what he has we will know if we can restart his feeds. Once we have those going the we can plan on coming home. If he needs IV fluids or anything like that we can do that at home as well.

Our main goal is to figure out what is wrong,how to treat it if we can and then plan on getting out of here. From a vascular standpoint Broc is doing great. His new vein patch is doing wonderful and he has great pulses and blood flow. Gotta love the positives right!!

Just heard team is coming soon so as soon as I hear something I will update again.
Thank you and love too you all

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