Friday, January 16, 2015

A busy afternoon

After his lab work came back it looks like Broc has a viral infection as well as a possible bacterial infection. No real answers from Infectious Disease Team. Just a watch and see approach. The pediatric care team are very concerned about his numbers. A lot of his care plan will depend on his CBC in the morning. Over all he had a much better day today. Broc cannot have any visitors as he is neutropenic and is very susceptible to catching anything else that someone might unintentionally be carrying.

We are prisoners in our room due to the possible bacterial infection that he has. I may not leave his room at all. Everyone that enters has to wear mask and gown and gloves.

Another issue is that his feeding tube is blocked for some reason. They have tried everything to get it unblocked. If they cannot get it working then Broc will be going down to Interventional Rdaiology to have a another placed. He will be sedated for this procedure. He is not able to keep anything down or inside of him so he is being kept on IV fluids only. He was allowed to have a Popsicle this evening and a few teaspoons of chicken broth but unfortunately that did not stay in him very long.

Sorry again for the late update. I'm thoroughly exhausted. This afternoon was a steady stream of Drs and nurses all trying to learn about Broc and how they can best help him. I will update again as soon as we get anymore results. If his CBC stays stable then we may be able to go home on oral antibiotics  but if his CBC is not stable in the morning then the team will watch him very closely as his condition could become very dangerous.

Thank you for all your love and support. I have a ton of pics to share and as soon as I am near a computer or allowed out our room again then I will share them. I may be able to share on or 2 now.


  1. I hope he has an easier night so you can get a little sleep, too {{{hugs}}}

  2. Oh Kerrigan! I'm praying so very hard for Broc to get better! ((((Hugs)))))
