Saturday, January 10, 2015

Post op Day 2

Last night Broc had more issues with pain. A whole big miscommunication with everyone. We weren't aware that his PCA pump was locked out after 4 hours. It caused lots of tension between everyone in the room . We kept trying to console Broc but nothing was working. Finally after we had the vascular team paged we all figured out what the problem was. It took a long time to get his pain unde control and they added Valium too.

Once daddy was sure everything was settled and Broc was happy him and Mark left for the night. The Vascular and PICU team are very happy with Brocs progress. We as still in PICU as there are no beds on the regular floor.

Today we will start all his oral meds and maybe go for a walk. His angiogram is scheduled for Monday and he will be having anesthesia for that as well. He is having some very low blood pressures still so they are holding off on his heart med.

Goals for today is to not use PCA for pain.
Go for a walk.
Eat as much of his meals as possible.

Thank you for all your continued support and love.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear of even small improvements. I hope he reaches his goals for today. Looking forward to a visit when circumstances permit;)
