Friday, August 24, 2012

Win some and loose some

Mark has recently started taking an appetite stimulant to help him put more meat on his bones. We have discovered that it has a very nice side effect drowsiness. For the past couple of nights he has been sleeping in his own bed and staying there. It has been so nice to have our bed back to ourselves. Mark has not slept through the night since he started having night terrors at a year old. He has been coming in at 5:30 when marks alarm goes off.
We were enjoying our comfy bed when Broc decided to come in on Wednesday night. Broc only comes to our bed when he is getting sick so I knew something was up. Yesterday after I picked him up from school he spiked a fever in the afternoon and then last night the seal bark appeared. I took him to the ped this morning and he confirmed our suspicions, Broc has the croup virus. After the ped he asked for his favorite lunch sushi. So we stopped to pick up some and sherbet too for his sore throat.

We came home and did the first of many saline neb treatments that we will be doing in the next couple of days. Lots of TLC and sherbet this weekend.Ped said to watch him over the weekend and if there is still a fever by Monday to have a CBC done to make sure we are only dealing with the croup.

Mark and I never expected Broc to get sick so soon after starting school. His teacher called and said that he is still very tired during the day so we will stick with picking him up at 11am for next week too.

We hope he will be better by Monday.


  1. Hope the poor guy gets to feleing better soon! :( I know I am worried about Logan getting sick right away too.

  2. Thanks Steph.I think its crazy that things people take for granted,we have to be worried about.Fortunately his school is starting to understand him.

  3. Ok, you need to find out if you can get that appetite stimulant by the case! (hehehe) Also, your seal bark comment made me laugh, but not funny that he has croup. Finally, I've never heard of a child liking sushi, let alone it being a favorite; I was blown away. Anywho, hope he gets well soon.
