Tuesday, August 14, 2012

NO Kindergarten for our Buddy

So last week I got a call to say that they school had to meet with me urgently regarding Brocs health. I really didn't think much of it as all I was supposed to give them the start of this school year was the letters from his Drs excusing him from all activities and all his restrictions.

So I handed over the letters and then they drop the BOMB on me and tell me that they have decided that it would be best for Broc to either have hlaf day Kindergarten which I was totally fine with as we know he does tire easily and I was not sure how he would handle a full day of school.

So we carried on talking and the corp. nurse was going through his health plan and I gave her a list of all his meds and we talked at length about his fevers and them telling me that they have to call me everytime his temp goes over 100F.We know that often Broc will have temps over 100F and have a viral infection which is self limited. I did tell them that if that was the case then they could expect to call me at least a few times  a month.

Then I asked them if they think they can handle all his restrictions and then they turn around and say that they had also considered home bound schooling.Apparently they had called the school corp. last school year already which was in May and asked if this would be possible for Broc or not. Not sure why they never decided to share this news with Mark or I ?????

So at the end of the meeting yesterday it was decided that Broc will be doing home bound schooling until we come back from vacation in Jan and they they will re-assess the situation.They are not comfortable having him at school with all these restrictions put on him.

WHY on earth did they have to leave it until the day before school starts to drop this on us.We already went school shopping,bought all the supplies,backpack and clothes.He was really excited to be on the same bus as his Buddy.Mark was very dissappointed that Broc was not getting on the bus with him this morning.

Funny enough Broc handled it all very well. He just accepted the news.I think Mark and I are taking it much harder than he is. I think he is used to things not happening or happening for some reason or another.

So now we wait for the school corp. to decided how many hours a week of schooling they are going to give Broc and when it will be.We were told that it will be after school hours as it will be a teacher from the school and they cannot teach him during school hours.

I am going to get some books myself and teach him a few things too. Fotunately Buddy is pretty smart and knows his colors,letters,numbers etc. He has has difficulty with writing them so we will have to practice that a lot.

Needless to say yesterday was a very stressfull ,emotional day for Mark and I.

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