Friday, August 17, 2012

BIG school for our Buddy :-)

After many phone calls,meetings and writing letters Broc will be going to school on Monday. He will be going for 1/2 a day for a week and then the following week he will stay until after lunch. If he handles that well then he will go full day.

I am so excited for him. The principal and I are going to meet as well to draw up a 504 Plan for him too.That plan will have all the accommodations that he will need.

He will be taking a water bottle to school with him so that he can drink water through out the day. They are going to keep an eye on his ballance as well as he is having some issues with that too.

On the day that he goes for a full day if he starts to get really sleepy or tuckered out then we will go back to 1/2 a day with lunch until he can get used to longer hours.

On Monday I will post Kindergarten pics for you all.


  1. I am so happy to hear that he will be going to school and that things are getting sorted out.

  2. That's great news--I'll bet he has a ton of fun with the other kids!

  3. That is so awesome! so happy that he is going to be able to go to school.

  4. Yay! Glad hr is going to be able to go.
