Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dental surgery for Mark

Little Mark and I arrived at the clinic at 7 this morning. There were a few toys for distraction  waiting for him on the bed when he arrived. He is in really good spirits even when he went back with the nurses. Thank goodness cause he woke up this morning crying saying how scared he is.

He is now back there and the procedure will take about 45 minutes.


They dressed Brown Bear in his pjs. It was really sweet. He was so happy to hear that he was having a mask before they were putting in his IV.
I will update as soon as he is done.

Update :
He is out of surgery and sleeping peacefully. We will be heading home in a little bit. After sleeping for about an hour we headed home.
At home resting on the couch with some tylenol in him.

What an easy surgery if I can call it that.We are so used to having to worry if something serious may go wrong but we could relax this time round.

Thank you for all the support and prayers.
PS. Broc is doing better too.