His blood sugars seem to be coming back down. We hoped they would as the decadron doses have been stopped now. His bp is higher than we like it to be. They have been watching it very closely. They are hoping once his meds start today it will come back down. If not then cardio will be contacted to come and look at him.
He started on some formula yesterday. The only way he will drink it is over ice. Needless to say we need to stock up on ice at home. Once we get home from the hospital the home health company will deliver his formula to the house.
We are planning on doing his sedated brain MRI on Monday to see how his Chiari repair is doing and also how his csf flow is doing too.
Pain control is a big thing we are working on. He he has to be on all oral pain meds before we can think of leaving. Also his belly has not woken up fully yet to digest his food. Everyday they can hear more and more rumbles so hoping it will wake up soon. Surgery is so hard on Brocs body. It gets so stressed out and every ounce if his body is effected. His breathing is also still very shallow due to his pain. We need him to take deeper breathes to expand the bottom of his lungs so that we don't end up with pneumonia. Broc did get up in the chair yesterday which was very painful for him to move there but moving around will help the gases escape that they pumped into him for the procedure, it will also help expand his lungs as well as help his belly wake up more so moving is a really good thing for him but with his pain it's a little tricky.
Through everything he is being a trooper. He is pushing through the pain when he has to move. Today will be a little more painful for him cause they want him to walk around today. That is so hard for a mom to watch your baby cringe in pain but you know it will only help them to heal and get on the road to recovery. He is asking for food all the time but cannot have any solid food at all. The concern is that when he had his brain surgery in August even his internal sutures that are supposed to dissolve came out through the skin in some parts causing his incision to open back up. Now because we cannot see what is happening inside of him they don't want to risk any food particles getting stuck or causing any damage to the incision. That is why they have waited till today to even start his meds. He will not be swallowing any pills either so we have to change his meds over to liquids.
Brocs body needs lots of patients and time to heal especially with the fact that he will be facing another major surgery in a month.
Thank you to everyone for all your love and support. We truly appreciate all the phone calls, texts and words of confort. We truly have a living brotherhood that we are all part of.
Mark and I want to thank 2 special little boys for writing such wonderful cards for Broc. To read such encouraging worlds from such young people is truly heartwarming and loving. We are hoping to meet these little guys soon.
My heart hurts for him :( Watching your babies in pain is one of the worst things :( I hope he stabilizes soon and starts feeling better and the surgery improves his quality of life {{hugs}}