Friday, April 26, 2013

GI update and another ear infection

First of all we want to thank everyone who helped with meals,taking care of the boys etc. Thank you too for the cards ,phone calls and prayers.Thankyou too to my cousin Paige who left her darling husband for a week to come and take care of me and help Mark with the boys too. I am feeling much better and back to myself again.

We had an urgent app with Brocs GI on Monday as his tummy issues are really getting out of hand for him. He recently started drinking milk and that is when things got really bad. His GI has decided to take him off all dairy and lactose. He has never drunk milk until a few weeks ago when he asked for choc milk and we thought nothing of it.

That was when his issues got really bad. His GI thinks that he may have had this problem all his life and adding straight milk escalated it all. For now Broc will be on a lactose,dairy free diet. If he does eat any dairy he takes a lactaid tablet with his meal. He is really good about this and asks everytime he wants something if it has dairy in it. We are also cutting down on his drinking of gatorade incase he does have issues with breaking down the sugar in his gut. He has a new water bottle and loves it. He has not drunk gatorade since Monday. If anyone knows Broc this is HUGE for him as he LOVES his gatorade.

They are also running tests to see if he has fat or sugar malabsorption. We are really hoping that these tests will reveal something so that he can get back to eating like he used to without pain and discomfort. Maybe even get off some of his motility meds if that is possible.

He has been sick again this past week with another upper resp. infection and his third ear infection. It is possible that we may be looking at having his ear tubes taken out soon and possibly new ones put in.

We are going to be participating in some more research studies this Summer. We will be traveling to Seattle and Philly.

On a happy note the boys are doing so well at school. Broc has started Accelerated Reading in Kindergarten. He is so proud of himself. He also did his first spelling test today and got 100% . Mark is also doing well with his reading too. Both boys have a book to read every night. Daddy and I get a story read to us every night.

We are looking forward to a fun filled Summer with lots of days playing outside with friends. 

We take pics every morning before school and send them to my mom and dad in South Africa. The boys love taking photos.


  1. Did broc's ear infection sneak up on him? It seems the last two times Aly has gotten them there was no warning its like a snap of the finger and she had them.
    So the milk thing, is that like being lactose intolerant then?

  2. He does have tubes but noh had infections for a long time and then all of a sudden he has had 3 and they seem to come everytime with an upper resp infection first and then the ears.
    Yes he has been dx lactose intollerant.I am so happy that finally he may get some peace with his gut.
