Tuesday, July 3, 2012


There is a reason why I hate rollercoasters.They make you sick to your stomach.Broc had another CBC done today and yet another blood culture. His Immuno Dr was concerned that he may be having a reaction to the mesh but the surgeon said otherwise.As long as he has been doing these vascular surgeries since 1995 they have never had anyone react to the mesh, but I guess there can always be a first time.

So we were instructed to have another CBC done today.His eosinaphil count was up to 31.4% today.It was 27.9% on Friday evening.Last night everyone was concerned about the mesh and saying possibly that he may need surgery again and now the Immuno Dr feels that his fever and eos.levels have nothing to do with surgery and that maybe with Brocs immune system being low from surgery he has caught another virus that is causing havock with his levels. So once again we are on the virus train again.

If Broc still has a fever tom the Immuno Dr will put him on a course of steroids to see if it helps.He will also call the surgeon on Thursday to discuss if anymore needs to be done. So from having possible surgery again to now him having a virus.OH MY ..... what a ride it has been for us. Now we are in wait and watch mode. Wait to see if he developes any other symptoms or if his fever goes any higher.

Two of his stitches are sore to the touch so we are keeping a close eye on those too. Everyone is on high alert for Broc developing an infection somewhere. With it being a holiday tom all the Drs are away.So all we have left is the ER. We are going to try our hardest to avoid it at all costs.

We were really hoping to have a break from lab draws, Dr visits and hospitals after his surgery but I guess with Broc you never can tell.


  1. Bless everyone. I know it's a struggle for you and him. He hates being sick and you hate him being sick. And on top of it the dr's can't all get together. I hate that. I have been reading all of your post but just thought I would let you know I am thinking about you and Broc and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything gets better for him. He sure deserves a break as well as you do. Andreally hoping you don't have to use the ER. I hate it as well.

  2. Poor guy! Praying that he gets better soon and that things can settle down for all of you.
