Sunday, September 16, 2018

Post op Day 4

Broc is finally sitting up in the chair more and today he walked. We are so proud of our Buddy. He really is fighting hard.  Fighting for the correct care for our Buddy is so important. It’s tiring and stressful but so worth it. He is so conplex and requires many team members.

Mark and I took him for his first walk. He did so well. Dr V was so happy to see him walking. Our Buddy is so complicated that everyone is just moving slowly with any plans. He continues to spike fevers so blood cultures were drawn again yesterday and antibiotics started again. He is still on the fluconazole for the fungal infection. He is finally off the O2 and his lungs are getting better too. Lots of things have to happen before we can think of going home.

Mark left today to go back home so he can go back to work. Lil Mark is still not feeling great. He is on antibiotics and breathing treatments.

Thank you for all your prayers, love and support.

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