Friday, September 14, 2018

Post op Day 2

Our Buddy was doing so well after his surgery.  Everyone in the ICU couldn't believe how well he was doing. His counts were great. He was breathing on room air needing no support.
We were planning on leaving ICU in a day or so then possibly moving to the heart floor for another day or so then heading home when everyone was happy with his progress.

Unfortunately our Buddy started spiking fevers Thursday morning with rigors. It was apparent that he was getting very sick. Blood cultures were ordered and 2 antibiotics were started. Later that afternoon it was clear that he was getting worse. His breathing was increased. They ordered a rapid fungal test. At 3am this morning they came in to tell us that he tested positive for a fungal blood infection, so they started anti fungals. The also put him on oxygen as his sats started to drop and he has lots of fluid in his lungs.

We had him up earlier this morning sitting in a chair to help move some fluid from his lungs. He's also on lasix to help get some fluid off too.

Infectious Disease decided that it was time to pull his central line so that was done in his room. His room was turned into an OR this afternoon. He did really well during the procedure. They did an echo to check if he had any vegetation growing on his new Aortic Valve. Thankfully he DOES NOT. We were super happy to hear that. He also had a kidney ultrasound to check for yeast too. We don't have those results yet. His counts are dropping too so everyone is watching those closely.

Face timing with his Buddy is always the best even if he's sleeping.

Thank you for all the love,prayers and support from all our friends from around the world. Please understand that we will update when we can. If things are crazy we will only update when we have a moment. I also have a very sick Buddy at home too. My moma heart is very torn.

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