Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hanging on.

Broc has been home a week now.

We finished up his IV antibiotics at home. That meant no sleep for me as he needed an infusion every 8 hours and needed to be monitored during it. The infusion lasted 1 hour and 15 min.

This is what his infusion pumps looked like.

Broc has had a really hard time recovering. It leaves him very tired and exhausted even doing little things. He is still struggling with being out of breathe with very little activity and no sometimes even walking for a distance.

We will be seeing cardiology this coming week and hoping for much needed answers. We are also hoping for more answers after his angiogram this coming week too. A very busy week for Broc and mommy. Lots of decisions will be made. We will pray and figure out what are the best options for Broc and his health.

I was able to get a nap most days which has helped me feel better but will need lots more after this coming week. Sleep really is a great medicine. 

Brocs ear is unfortunately causing him issues again. He is scheduled for surgery first week in April. We are praying that he can hold out till then and also that he doesn't get sick so he can have this surgery. He is also battling headaches which we are hoping are sinus related and therefore ear related cause his ear cannot drain the infection.

Thank you to all our supporters. Those that ordered sweatshirts should have there's by now. If you ordered and did not get yours yet please contact me. The money we raise is so helpful in covering expenses that insurance does not cover.

Thank you for all your love and support. Please keep us in your prayers for Broc's next appointments.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully now that the IV antibiotics are done you can get a bit more sleep! It can be hard getting in enough around everything else that needs to be done :\
