Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cardiology update

Yesterday Broc had his yearly echo and cardiology update. We always love visiting Nancy and she loves to see how much Broc has grown. She has been doing his echo's since he was only 8 weeks old. She was so kind and patient explaining everything to Mark and I. Today she is still the same.

As you can ssee these tests don't phase Broc anymore. As long as he can watch a movie on his Ipad he is just dandy. Nancy was extremely careful not to get gel on his central line dressing too.

Next we went off to see Dr Hoyer. First we saw Alex a student to gather all the latest information on Broc. Unfortunately for him a lot can happen to Broc in a year so he wrote down so much info, I think he wishes he had a computer instead of writing it all down by hand.

Dr Hoyer came in and took BP's on his arm and leg to see how big the difference is. Thankfully it was not that much at all. When we start to see a big difference between his leg and arm it could mean that his aortic arch is starting to narrow again. The pressures are a little higher so that is one of the things that they will be keeping an eye on. Broc had his co-arctation surgery when he was 12 weeks old so its done really well for now.

Another thing they will be looking at his his regurgitation. He is still in the mild to moderate stage which he has been in for a couple years. Unfortunately there is no way to tell when that will change therefore Broc needs to be monitored closely. They are also keeping an eye on his aortic valve itself. He still has mild aortic stenosis which is a good place to be in.

Due to Brocs rare mutation that he has, his heart muscle could start having issues too. We do not know when this will happen either.

Dr Hoyer would like Broc to have a cardiac MRI at some point so that he can get a better look at the structure of his heart and also look at the muscle more clearly.

All in all it was a great appointment and we will gladly accept the great news that he is stable for now. Ideally we would like him to remain stable until his late teens then he will be old enough to have a big enough valve placed that could last him the rest of his life.

Thank you for all the prayers yesterday.


  1. Stable is excellent news! I'm glad that at least one area of Broc's health is holding steady--one less thing to worry about (well, we will always worry about hearts with our heart kiddos but the level of worry drops a wee bit during stable periods!) :)
