Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 7 in Cincy and home

Today was organizing all the home care services and making sure Brocs IV antibiotics would be delivered as soon as we arrived home. Going over all the paperwork and packing up took quite a bit of time. They went over all the things we had to look for if Broc became ill again.

They stressed how important it is for Broc to stay away from public places and places where there are lots of crowds of people especially during cold and flu season. This cold virus that Broc caught made his immune system critically weak. His numbers were very critical for a couple days. Because his system was so weak he was not able to fight off the bacteria. Thankfully we got him started on IV antibiotics as soon as we did. Things could have been much worse.

He has an amazing team and they really look out for his best interests. We arrived home safely late this afternoon. The rain was really bad driving home but the closer we got to Indy the less it rained. We will be keeping Broc away from people until we know that his immune system is back to itself again.

He has another procedure coming up soon and we need him to be healthy for that.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

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