Saturday, August 16, 2014

Post op Day 3 - warning incision pic.

Broc had a rough night last night with pain. Everytime they moved him around he cried out in pain. Neuro wants him to be able to move around with out pain so they are trying a different pain schedule for him to see if that works.

He woke up with a very sore throat this morning. This is something new that started today so we are watching to see if he spikes a fever with it. It could be his reflux causing it or he could be getting a virus. He has not eaten anything today except for ice chips.

PT came in this morning and worked with him and he did really good. He walked a bit, then went to the game room. I decided to stay in the room this time to give them some space. PT said he did really well. Then he came back to his room to work on neck exercises.

He was exhausted so asked to lay back down and is now sleeping again.

His dressing came off yesterday and I will post a pic at the end of this post for those who like to see everything. The incision is much bigger than we expected and he has many stitches too which will have to be removed after 2 weeks. Not looking forward to that at all. It may take a couple of us to hold him down for that. I think I will make it a later app so that daddy can come with us.

We should be coming home Monday. He will be home from school for 4 weeks as they are worried about him falling on the playground or getting bumped. He will also have to strengthen his neck muscles to hold them up long enough to copy from the board, to read and write too. He may not carry his back pack for 4 weeks either. Hopefully we can work with the school to do some school work at home so that he is not completely behind the other kids.

In general Broc has a hard time focusing and copying from the board and handwriting so it will take a lot more effort on his part since he has all the effects of his surgery to deal with too. Lots of patience and time will be needed for him to recover well.

Thank you for all you kind thoughts and prayers about Lil Mark too. Daddy said he is doing really well this morning and they are spending some quality time together. Him and his Buddy are so close that when anything happens to either of them it really effects them. They have such a wonderful bond of love.

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