Monday, August 25, 2014

More complications with Broc

As many of you know Broc has been running fevers since he came home from surgery. Our thinking is that it is from the patch. We have been drawing his labs every 3 days and his numbers were going down until today. They have doubled since Friday!!! Not good. Coupled with him walking on his toes since surgery,the high numbers and the fevers that wont leave, Dr Boaz is concerned about a few things so Broc will be going down to Riley on Wed for a sedated MRI and spinal tap.

We are really hoping to have answers by the time we leave and a plan for our Buddy so that he can start to recover.

When Broc came home last Monday he was surprised with a cake from his friends. Thank you Baker family for the lovely cake. Broc even ate the last piece.

We appreciate all your prayers and support during this time.


  1. I'm very glad they've been keeping such a close eye on him :) Hopefully Wed will bring some answers and a good treatment plan!

  2. Even if they tell us nothing is wrong and it's all part of recovery we will be happy too. Just to know he is fine will be a relief.
