Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Influenza B

Last Wed our Buddy started vomiting. By the time we got home he had a fever. I watched him through the night and by the morning his fever was 102.5F.
I dropped Mark at the neighbor and took Broc to the ER. His fever was not coming down after I gave him Tylenol and he was very lethargic.

Thankfully it was not that full and we went straight back. They got him settled in a room. Asked the usual questions and I told them what he needs. He just needed fluids and then he will be okay.

Well we had a dr who wanted a CT scan altos of other unnecessary tests. Finally they gave him fluids  after wasting a lot of time.

We then went to CT and I explained I didn't think it was necessary. He called in another Dr who agreed with me.After a long discussion we headed over to X-ray. In the mean time his ped called and asked if they had checked him for the flu. I had asked the ER Dr and he said no. He felt I was doing his job. Little does he know that I have been through this soo many times.

Long story short we left the ER with a fever and fluids. I took him straight o the peds office as his ped wanted him checked for the flu. Guess what he does have the flu. Influenza B. By that evening his fever was 103.5 and climbing. His ped started him on anti viral meds on Thursday evening and he is doing much better.

Here is our Buddy before he was hooked up to fluids.


  1. Poor sweet by! Hope he is doing beter!

  2. Thanks Steph, he is going better. Hope you guys all heal soon too. It sure has been rough at both our households.
