Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Heart of the Matter

Last Sunday on TV - Channel WTT11 there was a documentary an hour long on Congenital Heart Disease.It was such an eye opener to Mark and I and in that short hour we learned so much about Brocs condition and many other Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) too.

We learned how having a CHD could effect many other parts of the body and the brain too.So many things can be linked or effected by having a CHD.There could be learning problems,delays,brain issues,behaviorial issues,ADHD etc and the list goes on.

Then there is the issue of them not being able to do some sports ,tiring easily,monitor their hearts for the rest of their lives and taking good care of themselves. In the DVD the Drs stressed that the children should know about their CHDs and understand as much as they can about them, so that they can learn to make good choices for themselves.

I was trying to find a short snippet of the DVD but I am not able to but I did find where you could purchase the DVD if you wanted to.Here is the link to the website :

If it comes on TV again I will be sure to let you all know.It really explains how having a child with a CHD effects not only the child /adult but also the entire family and sometimes how many sacrifices have to be made.They also said that most children/adults could live very long lives too.


  1. I love when I have an eye-opening experience. So glad you saw that program. Sometimes, I take things for granted that we're experiencing. Then a doctor will ask if I've seen "x,y,z", then all of the sudden it clicks that it's related to her heart (or liver). It's reassuring when things seem to finally make sense.

  2. Our family was filmed for that documentary, (Logan). here is a preview of the doc that you can share:

  3. Thanks Stef.Your story is truly amazing.
