Friday, August 5, 2011

We are home

WOW!!!! What a roller coaster we have been on the last week. Poor Broc was really ill.His WBC dropped to a low of 1.4 ,his neutrophil count was 8% and his ANC level was 112 on Sunday morning.That is when the decision was made to transfer him to Riley as he also had a fever again that morning.
We found out yesterday that he had another virus on top of the one he had at La Porte Hospital. While he was fighting the strep bacteria he also had the parvovirus B19 and the para influenza virus. The parvovirus B19 was the one that crashed his WBC count.While he was body was so busy fighting all the viruses it was not able to make new WBCells for the rest of his body.

We had another CBC drawn yesterday and his WBC is up to 4.7. His neutrophil count is up to 24% which makes his ANC level 1128. We are so happy with those results.Next week he will go for another CBC.He will have one drawn for the next 6 weeks so that they can see if there is a time where it goes low and then high again.We are really hoping not, as that will bring a whole new adventure into our lives.

I did take some pics while he was in the hospital but was not able to load them so I will put them at the end of this post.

We want to thank all the friends and family that helped us out during this difficult time.Whether it was providing a meal for me at the hospital or for taking care of  Little Mark or just being there to support Mark and I.We also appreciate all the e-mails.We realize that many of you are far away but we do appreciate the love and support you have shown us too.

We are going to be careful when going to crowded places especially during the flu season and Winter months.We have heard that with him having the 16p 11.2 Duplication Syndrome he can be very susceptible to getting viruses too.

We are not sure how it will be with Mark starting school either.Kids bring home so many germs and things home with them.

The boys have eye appointments next week.We are expecting Broc to be getting glasses as well.We are still trying to find a way for Mark to keep his glasses on.

Broc doing a breathing treatment in the hospital when we discovered he had the croupe.
The boys playing together for the first time in 3 days.

They were so happy to see each other and play race cars. 
Behind Broc you will see his IV stand,he named it Charlie.
Broc took a turn for the worst and slept the whole day.
The ambulance ride to Riley Hospital

They choose a monster truck ambulance just for Broc.

It was like driving in a semi truck.
At Riley Hospital going down for x-rays.At the time they didn't know what virus he had so he had to wear a mask and gown.

Our next big appointment will be his CT Scan for his legs in Oct.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see that he is doing better and home! HUGS to you all!!
