Monday, August 15, 2011

The Beach

As many of you know because of Mark's and now Broc's sensory issues they do not like the water or sand or anything squishy on their feet or toes.

We went to visit Colleen and the girls this past week.For those of you who don't know Colleen and her family were my host family when I came to the NY for an Au Pair Programme in 2002.Little did I know that they had a vacation home in Michigan and that my future husband was waiting there for me too.So long story short that is how I ended up in Indiana.The great thing is I get to see this wonderful family once a year if not more.I have watched their girls grow into lovely ladies.Colleen and I have a wonderful relationship too.

We decided to take the boys to the beach but never put on any swim wear as the waves were a little rough.We were only going to walk on the beach.When the boys got there they wanted to play in the sand.Walking from the stairs to the beach was interesting as they didn't like the idea of sand going into their sandals all the time. When we told them that it will happen all the time they had to accept it.

Colleen took them by the hand one at a time to feel the water.Getting them to stand on the wet sand was a chore but once they were okay with that then they touched to water.We made games of wave tag and running from the water before they were comfortable.Broc got so excited that he actually slipped and fell face first in the waves.He came up coughing and spluttering but was okay after a many hugs and kisses.

Needless to say we couldn't get them out of the water by the end of the day.Broc was so brave we had to pull him out the waves as he was going deeper and deeper.

We also had a scary hailstorm this weekend.The next picture is the hail lying on the deck.

It was great to see the boys over come there fear of water and the sand.

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