Thursday, June 23, 2011

MRI and gettting ready for daddy's shed

I did post about Mark's MRI but I forgot to put up the pictures of him in the hospital. The pictures are before he went in as once he came out he was so groggy that I couldn't hold him and Broc and use a camera.

Thank you for Versed.He was fast asleep before they even took him back.That's the way mommies like it.

One of the boys watching TV together.I had to snap it.

Laying the stone for daddy's shed.It was such a lovely day.

The boys love driving the tractor with daddy.We will post pictures of the shed and play set when they arrive.
Take care everyone.
PS. Not sure if you all got the news but Broc will only see his cardiologist again in a year.We are so happy.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear that Broc will see his cardiologist again in a year. That is awesome news.
