Friday, April 15, 2011

Broc's stress test.

As Broc is still having issues with his right leg Dr S ordered a stress test to see how his leg reacts while he is very active.We arrived there and K his technician was so kind to explain everything she was going to do.It was easier for him as he has had her before for the ultra sounds.

He layed on the table and they covered him with blood pressure cuffs.He looked like the Michalin Man.(sp). He had to lay very still while they were taking his pressures in his legs and arms.Once they were done with that he then got to do his favorite still had the cuffs attached to him and he had to run up and down the hallway for 5-6 minutes to get his blood pumping and heart racing.

Once he was done he had to jump back on the table and they had to get pressures again as soon as they could.The pressures are supposed to go up when you exercise but in his right leg they dropped.

While he was having to lay still for the measurements he had a couple times when his heart would race and then go back to normal.That was before he had done any running.So it was suggested that he wear a holter monitor for 24hours to see what his heart rate does.We called Dr C his cardiologist and he has set it up for next Wed.

We will post when we get any results back.
He did such a great job laying still.He got to pick 2 monster trucks afterwards.

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