Wednesday, April 20, 2011

24hour Halter Monitor

When Broc was having his exercise related doppler test last week the tech noted that his heart would race every now and then for no reason at all.She suggested that he wear a halter monitor for 24 hours.

I have to keep an eye on him 24/7 as he likes to chew his wires.

On another note we got the results back from the stress test.We were not expecting anything from the test other than a base line for the future.His diagnosis has been ranked severe and an angiogram has been recommended.We sent all the results to Dr S and are waiting for him to get back to us.

Broc saw the ENT yesterday and was given a thumbs up till next year.We were happy to get some good news.He also saw the Pulmonary Dr and she has given him an inhaler with an air chamber to try and see if it works better.

We will post as soon as we have any more news.

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