Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A scare......

I was walking into the PICU to see Broc and the critical care dr and another person ushered me back to the lounge cause they wanted to talk to Mark and I.He told us that they had a scare where his blood pressure dropped into the 60's for the top number and stayed there for a while while they were monitoring him.They had to give him some things to bring his pressure up again to a good level.

They said that it could happen again later so we are spending the night in the PICU.He will not be released from the PICU until his blood pressure issues can be resolved.He ate half a grilled cheese sandwhich for lunch and is drinking some liquids.

He also has some more colour in his cheeks.


  1. Oh my Kerrigan! sorry about that. I wonder why his blood pressure is sensitive right now. Do they still have him on the high blood pressure medicine? If so, I wonder if it's too strong for him. Glad to hear he is eating well. You're in our prayers. Hang in there. If you need anything, let us know.

  2. Has he had any improvement today with his blood pressure?

  3. Well I think that's really nice that he ate something. That is always a good sign. He's going to be better soon now. Love you.
