Monday, July 17, 2017

Scary couple of days

Broc has been off for a couple days. Saturday we had a surprise planned for the boys. Broc woke up with a low grade fever nothing too serious. We went out in the ministry and head a great morning. After service his temp was a little higher but still nothing to worry about.

We packed up the boys and headed to Chicago.

The Jurassic exhibit was incredible. The boys loved seeing the dinosaurs. Broc started to feel crummy towards the end of the exibit. He was shaky and lake looking. By then time we got to the parking garage his temp was 103F. He was shaking so badly that Lil Mark was too scared to sit in the back seat with him. I climbed in the back. We called his ped and he told us to take him straight to the local ER and have him transferred by ambulance to Riley.

We drove home as fast as we could. Brocs temp kept rising. It rose to 105F. When we got to the ER they draw all the labs that he needed and have him a dose of antibiotics. They called Riley hospital for transport. Broc and I left as soon as he was loaded into the back. While waiting for the ambulance I ran to Wendy's for a chicken burger. I wasn't sure when I was going to eat again. Thankfully I did because I didn't eat again until Sunday afternoon.

Once we got to Riley hospital Brocs fever was much lower (101F) because they have him a dose of antibiotics. They drew more labs and we talked with lots of Drs. He settled down to watch a movie for about an hour. He then started to say his head felt fuzzy and he was going to rest. He felt warmer so I asked the nurse to check his temp. He was 102. He then started to shake like he did in the car. They ordered Tylenol for his fever. He started crying in pain from the shaking so I went out to ask them for oxy.

I came back to the whole bed shaking. I called the Drs and many came running. All his alarms were going off. I was trying not to panic or show Broc how scared I was.  They checked his temp again and it was 104F. They tried to give him the tylenol in his j tube and he started to vomit profusely. They immediately turned him on his side. They rechecked his temp and it was 106.6F. Everyone was shocked at how fast and high his temp had climbed. Broc was crashing and there was nothing I could do. They ordered a Tylenol suppository and that was given. His HR was over 200 and his bp was stroke levels. They finally got him calmed down after about 2 hours. He had 4 Drs that sat in his room with him for about another 2 hours. We were so scared we were going to loose him. I had no one and was all alone. I put on kingdom songs and children's songs from the website and that helped him to calm his heart rate and bring down his bp. It helped to keep me calm too. He was too unstable to go anywhere so we stayed in the ER for observation. 

Two big iv antibiotics were also started. Once I told Mark what had happened we made the decision that it was best for him to come to Riley. He made arrangements for Lil Mark and arrived late yesterday afternoon.

Broc had an echo to make sure no damage was done to his heart.

Broc continued to spike fevers yesterday and through the night. We unfortunately found out that Broc does have a bacterial blood infection. We are waiting to hear what bacteria it is and how off will be treated. We have to be patient and let Brocs body tell us what it needs. His counts are also dropping so thats something else we need to taken into consideration.

Thank you to everyone for all the love,prayers and support. Thank you too for all your help with Lil Mark.The last couple days have been emotionally scary for him. 

I will post an update tom after rounds.

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