Sunday, April 23, 2017

Home recovering

I have been home a week now recovering from surgery. I'm still moving very slowly but a little faster than I was last week. Thank you to all the friends that helped out with house work,meals and especially looking after Lil Mark so that I could get the rest I needed.
Thank you to my friend who watched the boys the day I had surgery. Taking care of Broc is quite the task.

I'm hoping to be back on my feet next week. I need to be driving by May as Broc will be having some big appointments coming up. We will be traveling to Michigan. He will also be having an infusion and surgery for a new GJ tube later on in the month too.

Thankfully he has stayed fairly healthy while I have been recovering. He does have a small virus but nothing that requires him to be in the hospital.

The boys have been a big help with my recovery too. Helping me put on my socks and slippers. Lil Mark is learning how to do laundry and running the dryer too.

We had Uncle Scott and Grampa come visit us too. They normally come every Tuesday for dinner but this time it was special as we haven't seen Grampa since last year. He flies South for the Winter every year. He loved playing pocket racers with Lil Mark. They are really cool at night as they have lights that shine.

Thank you again to everyone that helped with meals, came to visit and sent cards or texts, phone calls and prayers. We really appreciate every one of them. I love my flowers too. Thank you.

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