Finally Brocs eos counts are coming down. It seems like the third round of steroids have finally kicked the rejection. During Brocs recovery from his brain surgery he has had a rough time. His incision is also finally healing well. Although it is almost 1cm in diameter at some spots due to EDS and the scaring is quite noticeable we are happy that its finally closed.
Broc has had a couple viruses during his 7 weeks of recovery which have made recovery more difficult for him too. The last 2 he has had back to back not giving his body a break at all.
Tonight him and I were in the ER to make sure he didn't have an ileus or something else wrong. The Drs thought it may be a UTI but that was negative too. He is having a lot of abdominal pain with this virus and fevers too. Its leaving him really crabby and tired.
We normally don't visit the ER with a virus unless he has an extremely high fever or vomiting but we had to make sure there was no serious source for his pain. Preliminary results were all normal but I will know more when I go collect all his records tom. We will also see a ped tom to make sure nothing was missed.
Next week will hopefully be our last week of CBCs to check his eos count. Next we have to have his heart looked at to make sure no intervention is needed there. Then we can schedule the testing needed to figure out why his right leg is not growing anymore. After that we also need to schedule his Nissen surgery too. His choking episodes are getting more frequent too.
Broc has still not gone back to school yet but we are hoping soon. He has been working very hard at home with me and doing very well in all his tests. He is also doing some schooling on the internet too.
Thank you all for your love and support
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