Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cincinnati for Mark

Before I left for Cincy Broc was playing basketball outside and hurt his fingers so I had to take care of Buddy before I left. I felt so bad for him cause he really wanted me to stay but we got him all taken care of. Thank you so much to Amber and her mommy for fixing our Buddy so early in the morning.

Mark and I took a trip to Cincinnati Children's Hospital to see the Motility Clinic. We stayed with a lovely family.The Mesmans. Thank you so much for your hospitality and generosity. Mark said thank you so much for the yummy bread sticks. He now loves bread sticks with cheese on them.
The trip to Cincy was a little hairy for me. I was really nervous driving down by myself but we made it safe and sound with our trusted Siri from the iphone and lots of prayers.
His app was very informative and we both learned a lot about the medications Mark will be taking and the ones he already takes. We also learned their different functions and how they will all work together for him.
Dr K was very friendly and to the point.Which I love.I hate nothing more when a Dr walks in the room and tries to paint me a pretty picture.I /We are not scared of anything anymore. I think we have just about heard it all. I love it when they get to the point ,the reason why we are there and then a solution if there is one.
He asked Mark to put his thumb against his forearm backwards and of course he can do that as anyone with EDS knows that is our trademark so to say. He said yip you have EDS would you like to know more about our clinic. I was so happy because he works very closely with the EDS clinic and actually deals with a lot of kids with EDS. He also explained to Mark that his body works the way it does because of having EDS. He did say that his issues are sort of fixable but will never go away totally so the best solution is to give him all the help he can get to function as regularly as possible.
We are hoping to have all the kinks worked out by the end of the Summer so that next school year everything will be running smoothly. We will have some hiccups but hoping those will be few and far between.
So Mark will be taking 2 different medications to help his stomach in 2 ways and then he will have a clean out every second weekend. He explained that with EDS our colon is like cooked spaghetti and very lax. It has very little tone to do the work its supposed to do.
This will be something that we will have to get used to but I am sure that once we have a good schedule established it will all work out well. We are thinking that Broc will probably go onto the same or a similar schedule once he is seen at Cincy so hopefully with both of them doing it, it won't be so bad.   

Mark will also be having a few test done to see how his colon is shaped,if its all stretched out like it shouldn't be and how his whole system works from top to bottom. We are hoping that one of these will be done when we go down with Broc so we wont have to make that many trips down there.

We are hoping that Dr K and his team will be able to help Mark and Broc too. We are also going to be involved with the EDS clinic there too.

It really is a beautiful city. So many trees. The drive down there was really pretty. Next time we go we are hoping to see some of the sites of the city too. Mark was so tickled that he was in 3 states in one day. Indiana,Ohio and Kentucky. He loved crossing over the bridges too.

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