Saturday, April 26, 2014

So much is happening........

Good news to share Brocs EEG was negative.He is not having ongoing seizure activity and what ever he was having was a side effect from the ADHD med he was on.So ........ unfortunately there is no ADHD med that Broc can take.We have been through them all. The side effects that he gets from them all are too much stress on his body. The bad news is now we have a boy that is talking non stop,unable to control himself,extremely impulsive, has a really hard time processing anything. When you talk to him or ask him to do something it looks like he is just staring through you. He does hear you but cannot process what you are saying unless he is totally focused on you and has no other distractions around him.
He is getting lots of warnings at school so his teacher and I have been having lots of discussions as to how we can best help Broc. His handwriting has also regressed significantly since last Fall (October) so much so that he is doing most of his testing orally and the teacher will write in the answers or I will. He is not able to keep up with the class anymore either. Broc will be seeing Dr Boaz the neurosurgeon in May for a visit and then we will schedule an MRI for him to see if there have been any changes in his brain from his last MRI he had. At time we are not sure what is going to happen with Broc as regards going to Second Grade. His teacher said that is she had to grade him what he was able to do by himself he wouldn't pass anything.

We are hoping to learn a lot during the Summer break. Broc and I will be going back to Seattle for his visit for the research study for his 16p chromosome disorder. We will also be going to Cincinatti Children's Hospital to the Aero Digestive Clinic.There he will be seeing a bunch of specialist and have some very important testing done. Hopefully we will be getting a lot of answers. He will also be having the MRI on his brain. So after the Summer we are hoping to have a much better picture about Brocs physical and mental health.

Mark is also unfortunately not on any ADHD meds to help him control himself. He too has reacted to them and the side effects are not worth the stress on his body either. We do however have both boys on natural medications to help with their anxiety and behavior.

Mark saw Dr Boaz yesterday for a visit. What a wonderful and caring Dr. So interested in listening to the parents and what there concerns are. He said that there are meds he can give Mark for his headaches but he is already on the 1 medication that they know for sure works to prevent migraines. Mark takes that medication as an appetite stimulant. We know this is working as he now weighs ...... wait for it ...... 57lbs!!!!!!!!! I had to ask the nurse to weigh him twice cause I never believed her. I was ecstatic!!!! We have waited so long for Mark to put on weight. He is now thrilled that he weighs more than Broc does.
So Mark is scheduled for a sedated MRI in August to see if his brain tonsils have moved any and to see how the cerebral fluid is flowing. If things are not looking good then we may be talking surgery for him. The thought of brain surgery sounds very scary to any parent. He did say that if we don't fix the pressure issue then it will only get worse. Symptom wise Mark is dealing with pain and pins and needles in his legs, his legs going numb after sitting for a long time, insomnia,snoring even after his adenoids have been removed,and of course the migraines that he gets which keeps him from doing normal everyday things.

Mark will also be going to Cincinatti Children's in July to visit the motility clinic. He is having a lot of issues despite changing his diet and using different kinds of meds to help him. These issues are also keeping him from everyday things when they are at there worst. When your health interferes with you missing weeks of school at a time then we have to find a solution to help him.

So everyone please bare with us if our boys seem very WILD as some have said.Very IMPULSIVE or even NON-STOP HYPERACTIVE at times. It is not there fault nor ours. It is very difficult for Mark and I but we are trying our best. It is very easy to go no where and stay home with them, but we are not going to do that. We will continue to do our best and teach them about Jehovah and his creation. We will continue to take them out in the ministry so that they can tell others about the wonderful hope we all have.

We thank you for all your loving support and continued prayers for our family.  


  1. there is a new medicine that just came out for adhd and it is not a extended release and it is not a controlled substance. It might help him praying for him

    1. Do you have the name of it please. We may be looking at something for our other son. Broc was on an anti-viral for ADHD and that is the one that he reacted to so badly. It was a shock to us all.
