Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March in a nutshell

Things are really crazy nowadays that I am only finding time to blog once a month it seems like. Sorry for that.I will try and update at least twice a month or more in the future but I cannot promise anything.
I am so happy as I made my time again for March.The weather was much nicer and we had less sickness.Little Mark had some issues but that was toward the end of the month and fortunately I had already gotten my time in.
The boys have been taking swimming lessons for a few weeks now.It is mainly physical therapy for them to help strengthen their joints and muscles and to get them more used to the water. Many people don't know but our boys hate the water.Taking a bath is an absolute nightmare for them especially if you have to wash their hair.

Here is a video of Broc learning to tread water and being brave and Little Mark is making baskets while treading water.

They are doing really well and Broc has even decided to wear a floating belt while Mark is still not quite sure about that one.

It seems as though EDS is really hitting the boys hard this year. I was about this age or maybe even younger when I started with the leg and hip pains. I can remember my daddy used to rub my legs for me every night before I went to bed or I used to lie with my legs against a wall to help with the pain. Not sure why I used to do that but it did help some. Thank you daddy.

Little Mark is getting the paining legs and arms.This morning he woke up with his hips being so sore it took him a while to get out of bed before he could walk. He experienced his first bowel shutdown this month. He had a stomach virus for a while and then all of a sudden things went bad and we ended up in the ER with a fever and severe pain. They ruled out an obstruction and discovered an ilues which is a psuedo obstruction caused by air or something else.
Here he is in the ER.

Monday Dr Moustafa called and said that he wanted Dr Zadie to see Marks results. We got a call from Dr Zadie and he had admitted Mark to Memorial Childrens for the day Monday to draw some labs and rule out the ileus that was previously seen and to make sure he was doing better. Once this was over with Mark then got another stomach virus.Poor guy was down for almost 3 weeks and missed a whole week of school. The school was very understanding and he was able to complete his homework in his own time. 

Both Mark and I caught the virus too.Mark was only ill for 24 hours but it stayed a week with me too. Having a compromised GI system is really no fun.

Mark got his appointment with the neurosurgeon and that will be on the 25 April. While we are there Dr M has asked me to mention Broc to him too as he is concerned about the regression he is having and would like him to see Broc too.

I also saw the neurosurgeon and Chiari Malformation was ruled out. I am so happy about that. There were some other minor findings that we are able to look into and start taking care of them before they get too serious.

Next week is Spring Break and we are all looking forward to that. We are hoping to do some fun things with the boys.

April is gonna be a busy month too with Aux Pioneering,The Memorial,Spring Break and the Circuit Assembly and Little Mark has his first Concert at school. We are really looking forward to April which is already here!!!