Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Awesome News!!!!

Broc saw cardiology yesterday.

Walking down the dreaded corridor. My stomach is always in knots everytime I walk this path. Of course all Broc wants to see is his heart on the screen. He loves to see his heart and hear it beat.

Lying still like a statue for his EKG. This is always hard for him, but I distracted him with the spinning light that he loves so much.

All done and waiting for Dr C to come in and talk to us. Well as you can see the news was great. There is no new change to his heart function. The leakage or regurgitation is still in the moderate range. Dr C said that he has seen kids stay like this well into their teens. That would be awesome if Brocs heart will stay like this for that long.

Thank you all for the love,prayers and support as always.

We celebrated with a family dinner last night.YUM!!