Monday, September 17, 2012

3/4's of a day of school for Broc

This week Broc will be going to school until 1:40pm.On Tuesday he will go until 2:15pm so he can go to library. He was so excited when I picked him up today.

He was able to stay for snack. When we got in the car he said mommy it was so kind of them to let me bring my snack home. He had music for the first time today. He got to play with the keys of the xylophone. He loves music and so does his brother.

With him staying longer at school he gets to do all the fun things. I am so happy that he is happy about staying longer at school.He really has no concept of time but knows that he gets to do fun things if he stays longer.

He was a table helper today.This made him very proud.He said that if you get to school and you have a frog sitting on the back of your chair then you are a table helper.He loves being a helper. He can count to 100.Yes !!! can you believe it. He can count in 10's to 100 too. Oh my ...... my little guy is really learning so fast.

He is getting lots of help at school and we are doing extra work at home too.We are sure that he will catch up in no time.

This is what he did at school last week.We are so proud of him.


  1. This post mad me smile hearing how happy he is with the longer school days. Bless his heart!

  2. Thanks Steph, I never realised how much he would miss out on.We had to go visit his grandparents so he could tell them he played on the xylophone.It really was an exciting day for him.
