Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hand ,Foot and Mouth Disease

Poor Buddy ontop of the upper resp/sinus infection that he has he now has Hand,Foot and Mouth Disease.Thank goodness he only has the mouth part with the fever and general not feeling well.He also has some lymph nodes that are swollen but that is due to the infection that he has.

He is still doing the testing and so far his lowest ANC number has been 1500.Dr H said that as long as he stays above that number he will not have cyclic nuetropenia.He wants us to test for another week to see if there is any change.

He said that Broc does not have any immune deficiency but that his body has an abnormal reaction to every virus that he gets.So by the time he is done with this one which will be about 5-7 days he said that he will have caught another one from somewhere.

He said that we are doing all we can to protect him.Just to keep him happy and comfortable when he does get ill.It seems like putting him on antibiotics at the first sign of a sinus/upper resp seems to make it much more bearable.By now he would have developed croup and still be really bad but we have not gotten there yet and are hoping that the antibiotics are keeping the infection part at bay.

Little Mark has been dx with Asthma as well.His seems like it is exercise induced.We are hoping to get it under control before the extreme cold weather approaches.

Daddy is working hard on the yard and planting the rest of the grass seed.Our backyard looks like an agriculture property.


  1. Thanks for the update.
    "Keep him happy" - that's nice. I like that.
    Lots of love from us

  2. Thanks,we have CO visit this week so I went last night and Mark will go Thursday and then we are not sure about Sunday.Being a parent brings about lots of sacrifices.
    Love you guys too.

  3. Enjoy the visit the best you can. We know it'll be encouraging.
