Friday, September 23, 2011

A great appointment with Immuno/Allergy Dr.

Broc went to see the immuno / allergy Dr yesterday.
He was so wonderful.He listened to me tell him Broc's entire history which he cannot belive he has been through so much.He thanked me so much for keeping the diaries.They were very helpful in knowing when he had infections,antibiotics,viruses,fever etc.
He said that Broc has chronic sinus issues.No-one has ever told me that.Not even the ENT that we see.Anyway he said that his sinus's are the main reason why he keeps getting infections.He keeps re-infecting himself.Then when he does get an infection it is not treated long enough he gets sick again.It all makes so much sense.
So we have things to treat the sinus issues.Then he ordered a huge amount of blood.Poor guy was very concerened at the size of the syringe that they used.He tested all his immunoglobulins and B and T cells and many anti-bodies.
He is not sure why Broc gets a fever everytime he gets a shot or the flu shot for that matter.He is also not sure why his nuetrophil count drops so much when he gets ill.He is also not sure why he gets the high fevers like he does.He also said that he is not convinced that he doesn't have cyclic nuetropenia.He is also not sure why his body never made any antibodies to strep as he has had it so many times.
He said that some of the blood work will give us some answers and that we may have to do more tests to find other answers.
He also gave me prednisone and antibiotics on file at the drug store to have when he got sick so that we can treat him aggressively so that his episodes wont last 2 -3 weeks maybe only 3-4 days.
All in all I was very happy that we finally might be on the road to finding some more answers.He did say that there maybe some things that we find out that may not be so good. If that is the case we will just roll with the punches as we always do.
On a positive note he did some allergy testing to common things like dust,animals,mold things like that and it all came back negative.
We should be getting the answers to all the blood work next week.

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