Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bikes,Graduations and the first weeks of school

I have been a bit slack with writing.Many things have been keeping me busy.Broc continues to have a low grade fever with viral illnesses one after the other.I would love an explanation for that.

Then HOMEWORK..... Who would have thought that a Kindergartener would have homework.15-30 minutes mind you which is so much fun when you have just been sitting on a bus for an hour in the baking sun with no air conditioner.

Homework for Mark is really posing a challenge for me.He has to have a snack and drink the minute he gets off the bus and then jump on the trampoline or ride his bike or something to unwind himself from the day.By the time he is done with that its almost time for me to start making dinner.So scheduling for me has become a must.

Bedtime has also moved up as he is so tired by the evening the poor guy is begging to go to bed.
All in all he is having a few issues at school with letters and learning but we are working through them.We don't need him to become a rocket scientist as this school wants all their students to be, for now I think he should enjoy school and learning.His highlight of the week is music class.He loves his music.The cherry on top is when the teacher is ill or she needs more time and then they are given 3 recesses.
He has come home every day with a PINK slip in his backpack - no he never got fired , he made good choices at school and had good behavior.We are very proud of him.

Onto the bikes.The boys have been asking us for BMX bikes for a long time now.We decided on labor day to go shopping for bikes.We had already seen what we wanted so it was a matter of choosing colors and paying for them and then of course buying all the extras - helmets,training wheels etc.
Here are some pics and video.Please enjoy them.

This one was taken in the store.

The next few pics were taken at Brae's graduation last weekend.There were lots of friends and family there.Uncle Mike was entertaining all the kids with HUGE bubbles that he was making.
Bentley(our grandson) was showing us how well he can stand on his own.
Of course we couldn't forget the famous five.Our kids hadn't seen each other since the beginning of the year.They really miss playing with each other.

Sometimes cell phone pics are not the greatest but when its all you have to capture the moment you have to use them.

Broc also had the last of his 6 week testing this week and it was determined that he does not have cyclic neutropenia.I guess we all kind of new that  but all the drs wanted to rule it out.However his WBC is on the low end of normal but not dangerous.
His ped thinks he needs to be in pre-school so that he can be exposed to all the germs.I thought we needed to keep him away from all the germs.I really don't understand it all.He said that if he is exposed then he will be able to fight them off more easily.Doesn't the fact that Mark bring them home from school expose him enough?? Not to mention the fact that we cannot afford pre-school for him.I am teaching him at home and he is doing very well.

We are seeing the immunologist on the 22 Sep and I am really hoping that he can shed some light for us.

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