Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New additions to our yard

This week was a big week for the Davis Family. As you know it was our Anniversary and some gifts came a little later than expected.

Daddy's shed arrived as well as the boys playground.We also put up a hummingbird feeder.We are pleased to say that we had our first hummingbird yesterday.As you know they are extremely fast and we were not able to take a pic,one of these days we will. Please enjoy the video and pics.

We also had an interesting trip to the grocery store yesterday.I had a trolley full of groceries when I bought ant spray.I handed it to Broc to put in the trolley.Before he put it in the trolley he decided to inspect the insects on the can and without knowing he pushed the trigger.Needless to say he sprayed ant killer in his face and eyes.

Oh My Word!!!! Panic stations.I dropped the trolley ran to the water fountain and started throwing water on his face and in his eyes to flush them.He screamed so loud the whole of Kroger heard him.The manager and the lady from the pharmacy came running to see what was happening.They told me to take him straight to the peds office.They said they would keep my trolley for me and off we went.

At the peds office they inspected his eyes and brought in the vials of saline solution.It took 3 of us to hold Broc down so that the dr could flush his eyes with saline solution.Poor Mark was hiding under the table cause Broc screamed so loud.I felt awful.
We have been told to look for upper resp signs and to bring him in immediately as the spray could have gone to his mucus linings in his nose.What a DAY!!!




  1. Beautiful. Wow but your yard is huge. I'm sure the boys are going to have great fun.
    Love Alison

  2. Thank you.It is a work in progress.We are hoping yard crashers will find us to give us some tips.LOL.
