Friday, July 29, 2011

Broc is in the hospital

Not sure how much you all know,but Broc is in the hospital.He started with a fever on Tuesday afternoon.By the evening it was 103F.We took him to the Ped and he was dx with Strep throat.Later that night his fever spiked again to 103.7F.We called the Ped again and said to give the meds time to work.During the day Broc got worse and worse.He was not eating or drinking only laying on the couch.By late Wed afternoon his temp.was 104.1F.
The Ped told us to have blood work done and take him back home.We got the call to say that his WBC was really and his ANC level was 800.His ANC level should be 1500.1500-1000 is mild.1000-500 is moderate and 500 below is severe range.His Ped contacted his ID Dr at Riley and he said that he has a virus on top of the strep.He admitted him to have iv meds and fluids.
Broc was so dehydrated they couldn't find a vein for his iv.He has been having fevers on and off since he has been here.
Yesterday his WBC was still low but his ANC level dropped to 380.It was decided that no children see him or anyone that has been in contact with anyone ill.
They are still giving him iv fluids and 2 iv antibiotics.
He just had more labs drawn to see where his levels are.
I will post again when we have more news.
Thankyou for all the prayers and kind words and phone calls.


  1. Many prayers for your sweet little man. I hope the 'bug' is gone soon and you have your little man back home.

  2. Oh No Kerrigan! Sorry to hear! Prayers for Broc and his team!
