Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Day 8 and 9.

 Day 8 & 9. 

There was no care conference as not all the Drs could get together. They are still hoping it will happen. Yesterday was another emotional day for both of us. The unknowns are so hard. The what if’s? Broc has had Tpn for the last 5 years of his life. Last night was his last bag of Tpn. Tonight they are just doing fluids to see how his body handles the changes. His belly is not quite used to the formula yet but it’s getting better. 

We are now over the halfway mark of his goal rate. We are so proud of Broc. We know that this could change back in an instant but for now we are celebrating the accomplishments he has made. The formula will be so much better for his organs and his quality of life. As of this afternoon decisions are still being made as to whether he will keep his central line or not. There are still so many things to iron out. The team have to slowly wean the fluids Broc has been on as we cannot shock the body by taking them away all at once. Labs have to be monitored, vitals and also his input and output. Everything has to be carefuly calculated to see if we can do this safely at home for Broc. Things are changing everyday so we are just patiently waiting. Thank you for all your continued prayers. 🐸🐸🐸🐸

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