Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 3 at Riley

Broc is still having blood pressure issues so his echo was done last night. We got the news this morning that his heart is still doing great and they are not sure why his bp is dropping. His heart rate is dropping at night too.

We had a few more visitors yesterday and met a wonderful family from West Africa.

Brocs procedures went well this morning. He was mad cause wasn't allowed to drink anything so we had to distract him a lot. His new gj tube looks great. He is in some pain from his biopsy but hoping some phentanyl will help with that.

As of now we have not started any type of feed through his tube. Broc is doing so well on the TPN. He came in weighing 26 kilo's and today is 26.4 kilo's. We know that with him being on TPN his body isn't going to loose all this weight just trying to digest his food. Even the drs have said how much more perkier he looks.
So far all his blood cultures are still negative so we should be able to discontinue his ABX too.

We are still not sure when we will be leaving. Thank you to all the friends that have offered to help with Daddy and Mark.

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