Saturday, May 24, 2014

Quite a scare!!

On Wednesday I picked the boys up from school as usual. Instead of Broc running out to meet me he was very slow and quite. He told me he was freezing cold and very tired. I was a little taken a back cause normally he is so crazy I have to stop him from bounding across the road. We went to pick up Mark and got in the car.

I asked how the boys day was and Mark told me all his news. Normally Broc cannot stop talking and Mark cannot get a word in edge wise. All Broc said was that he was so tired in computer lab that he only wrote 2 lines and then had to put his head down.

We got out the car at home and I felt the back of his neck as he was getting out the car.OH MY GOODNESS!!! the poor boy was burning up. I rushed inside the house and had him lay on the couch while I put all the bags inside and reach for the thermometer.

 He covered up with a blanket and was out. I took his temp.104F!!! Oh man panic mode set in. The last time he had a fever this high we were in the hospital for a week and then transferred by ambulance. I called the Drs office and they said bring him in immediately. I grabbed all I could and we ran out the door.By this time Broc could not walk and was barely responsive.

Anyone who saw him was very concerned. We are all so used to him bouncing off the walls and trying to control him. Dr Moustafa came in and took one look at him.He gave me the plan of action. First flu and strep both were negative. By this time Mark had met us there. Then off to the hospital for lab work and blood culture.

His labs came back very concerning so we all thought infection. Broc had dental work done last Friday. If he gets any bacteria in his blood stream it can go straight to his heart. We were all thinking endocharditus. He suggested we come back to his office to give him very strong antibiotic shots. They are very painful but much better than being admitted and being on IV meds. Dr Moustafa knows that we can handle Broc at home just as well. He was drinking so that was the main thing.

Wednesday night was rough but he did well. His fever Broc and then shot back up again. He woke up Thursday morning with little pin prick spots all over his face. I know what that is, petechiae. It can be very serious so panic mode again for everyone. Dr M sent us to the hospital to check Brocs platelets. They had dropped but not low enough to cause the petechiae all over his face. PHEW!!!!! Dr Moustafa thinks the reason is from his fast,extreme high fever. That is his bodies way of dealing with the stress from the fever and infection.

We saw Dr M again Thursday evening and he was very happy to see that Broc is improving. He still doesn't have all his energy back but his fever is much lower and staying low. Yesterday he became very nauseous and had lots of tummy pain so we will be checking him for C-Diff again too just to make sure that is not causing the infection in his body.

Fortunately his blood cultures are still negative which is a good thing it means that what ever infection he has it not a serious blood infection.

We are hoping that he will be better by Monday as there is only 2 weeks left of school and we have a very busy Summer ahead of us. Unfortunately it's not all fun it will involve flying, hospitals ,dr offices, procedures and IV's.

Thank you to everyone for all your love,prayers and support.


  1. Aw, poor buddy :( I hope he's feeling better!

  2. Thanks Piper,yes much better still getting his energy back and tires easily.

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