Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Another Great Day!!

Monday was Brocs Day at Mott Children's Hospital. It was a long drive with some snow but we finally made it.

First Broc had bone x rays done to measure the length of his bones. Great news there his right tibia has grown 2mm so his LLD is only 8mm now and not 1cm as before.

Next we went to have to ABI's done and the ultra sound of his graft. More great news there the blood flow is looking great.There is still the minor blockage but nothing to worry about for now. His ABI's were very close to normal looking so more great news there.

Lastly we went to see Dr Coleman as Dr E was out ill for the day. She gave us the best news ever. BROC DOES NOT NEED TO HAVE LEG SURGERY NOW!!!.
We were all so happy to hear this news. That means he can hopefully learn to ride his bike without training wheels this Summer and we can go to the beach and pretty much do whatever we want this Summer with no restrictions.

We do still however need to monitor his activity and not let him over do it even though he says he is fine. He likes to push himself so he doesn't miss out on anything. We still need to go back in 6 months to have everything checked again. Our hope is that his right tibia will continue to grow and his LLD will deminish. Also that his graft will continue to stay open and he will not need to have another bypass repair.

Some more great news. Remember I mentioned in an earlier post about Broc going to Cincy Children's Hospital. Well we got the call and he has been accepted in the Aero Digestive Clinic. All the tests have been ordered and we are in the process of getting approval from the ins and then scheduling all of them. We have been told the wait list is about 3-4 months. All the testing and procedures will happen within a week. In that week we also get to see Cardio,GI, ENT and Pulm specialists. Broc will also have a sleep study done, a double probe study,a triple scope and some GI testing too.

We are very hopeful that this will give us a clue as to why he is still having many issues. As soon as we know more details we will let you know.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

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