Monday, March 18, 2013

Some snowy FUN

Last week and the week before we got some BIG snowflakes and lots of snow. Here is what we did before it all melted.

The love of my life.This is how I met him 10 years ago. In the snow. Just love the red and black.

Finally a family photo from the weekend.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Update from ENT and ID Dr.

Dr T said that Broc can keep his ear tubes for at least another year. Wonderful news as we wanted him to have a surgery free year.

The draining is just something Brocs ears will do so nothing serious to worry about.

Onto Dr A , Brocs ID Dr. He has changed his asthma meds to something less stronger as the stronger meds aren't  making any difference for him. We have learned that treatment will not benefit Broc as he is not dealing with many bacterial infections but viral ones. The risks far outweigh the benefits. It is too risky for him. Another option for Broc is to keep him on antibiotics but we know that wont work either due to his risk of c-diff infections.

We are left with dealing with each viral illness as best we can with breathing treatments and comfort care. We were offered another referral for another immunologist but we declined that too. We have realized that no-one will figure out why Broc gets so many infections. We have been to many Drs and specialists and no- one has any answers.

We have decided not to treat the campylobacter as it would be treated with Clindamycin and that is one of the ABX that put Broc in the hospital with c-diff.

We will wait for the day when all of this will be gone. Until then we enjoy each and every day we have with our family.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

He doesn't look sick!

Our Buddy has been sick for a while now.Although outwardly you cannot see that he is ill.He has a bacteria which has set up home in his colon.He has a lot of tummy pain and has a hard time eating sometimes.
It was discovered at the beginning of Feb when he was having lots of symptoms.At that time he was given Azithromycin to help get rid of this bug.After the course was finished he was tested again to make sure it was gone.He unfortunately tested positive again.His Drs decided that they would give his body time to get rid of it by itself.

Unfortunately after about a week he got really sick with an ear infection and upper resp infection. It was decided that a stronger antibiotic was needed as he was fighting so many things at once.This antibiotic is normally only given to adults. Due to Brocs history with C-Diff the Drs are not left with many options.

Last week Broc started having tummy symptoms again with a fever.He also had congestion and a slight cough with this so we thought he had a virus. He spiked a fever of 102F on Sat and got very ill. He was tested for the flu and strep on Sunday which came back negative. He had more tests done on Monday and it was found that this bacteria is still living inside of him.

It is called campylobacter.Normally people will have this without even knowing they have it.You can get it from eating food that was not prepared properly or has gone bad. For some reason it is very comfortable in Brocs colon and loves making him sick over and over again.

Tomorrow we will be seeing Infectious Disease to see if he can come up with another antibiotic to kill this bacteria. We will also be seeing an ENT Dr to see what the next step is for Brocs ears that keep draining. We are hoping that he can keep his ear tubes for a little while longer so that he doen't need to have another surgery so soon.

We also visited Motts yesterday and saw a Urology Specialist regarding Brocs new issue. He was dx'ed with a hydrocele. We will go back in 3 months to discuss what the next plan of action is.

We are hoping that the Drs can figure out a med that will rid this bacteria from his body.

A lot of the health issues that Broc has you cannot physically see.This bacteria is just one of them at the moment.